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Выступления и пресс-релизы
Title | Description | ![]() |
2-day International Conference "Covenant of Mayors East: Joining Forces for Climate & Energy Action", December 13, 2017, Minsk (Belarus) | International Conference "Covenant of Mayors East: Joining Forces for Climate & Energy Actionhas gathered together over 150 participants from Eastern Partnership countries to discuss the common challenges of the CO2 reduction and energy efficiency in municipalities that signed up to the EU Covenant of Mayors initiative. The international event took place in the Victoria Hotel located at the Pobediteley Avenue, 59, Minsk, Republic of Belarus. | en ru |
The signing ceremony of the Covenant of Mayors - June 19, 2017 in Slavutych | Over 30 mayors of Ukrainian cities will gather together on June 19, 2017 at 10:30 in Slavutych (Kyiv oblast) for the solemn signing ceremony of Covenant of Mayors that will be held during the official opening of the European Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW) in Ukraine. | en en ru ru |
High-level International Conference “Fostering sustainable development in Eastern Partnership countries” - October 26-27, 2016 | High-level International Conference “Fostering sustainable development in Eastern Partnership countries” will be held on October 26-27, 2016 in Armenia Marriott Hotel Yerevan (1, Amiryan St., Yerevan 0010, Armenia). | en ru am |
High-Level CoMO-East Forum in Almaty city - Media Advisory - 25-26 June 2015 | The Covenant of Mayors High-Level Forum "Central Asian local and national authorities on the 2020 pathway to a sustainable energy future" in Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan - Media Advisory - 25-26 June 2015 | en ru |
The First Regional Workshop in Almaty city - Press Release - 19-20 February 2014 | The First Regional Workshop for potential and acting signatories of the Covenant of Mayors in Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan - Press Release - 19-20 February 2014 | en kz ru |
High-Level Covenant Forum Istanbul - Press Release 19 November 2013 | Cities from Morocco to Kazakhstan provide inspiring answers to local sustainability challenges |
en |
EU-China Mayor’s Forum Press release 8 May 2012 | Covenant of Mayors to boost EU-China urbanisation partnership - Press Release - 08-05-2012 | en |
1000 SEAPs Press release 27 February 2012 | Over 1000 local action plans point the way towards sustainable energy transition and pursuit of social welfare - 27-02-2012 | en |
Covenant Ceremony | Covenant cities act while others talk - Covenant Ceremony Press Release - 30-11-2011 | de en es fr it pl |
Covenant Ceremony | Three years of the Covenant of Mayors - cities show the way out of the crisis. Covenant Ceremony Press Release - 29-11-2011 |
de en es fr it pl |
José Manuel Barroso - Speech | José Manuel Durão Barroso, President of the European Commission Europe of the Regions: Building Europe from the bottom up - 31st Meeting for Friendship Among Peoples, Rimini, 27 August 2010 | en |
Committee of the Regions Press Release 4 May 2010 | ’National leaders failed at Copenhagen: local leaders must not’: CoR launches unique database of local climate action | en |
European Parliament Press Release 4 May 2010 | Covenant of Mayors: Cities take the lead to tackle climate change | en |
EC Press Release 4 May 2010 | EU conference: 500 cities pledge to reduce CO2 by more than 20% | en fr it de es |
José Manuel Barroso - Speech | José Manuel Durão Barroso, President of the European Commission: The essence and spirit of the EU: how mayors are making a difference on climate change - Covenant of Mayors Ceremony Brussels, 4 May 2010 | en |
Günther Oettinger - Speech | Günther OETTINGER, EU Commissioner for Energy: The Covenant of Mayors - Achievements and way forward - Covenant of Mayors Ceremony Brussels, 4 May 2010 | en |
EC/EIB Press Release 24 March 2010 | European Commission, EIB support EUR 1 bn investment by cities, regions in energy efficiency, renewables | fr en de |
Covenant of Mayors Press Release 18 December 2009 | Covenant Signatories and Supporting Structures begin sharing their best practices via the ‘Benchmarks of Excellence catalogue’ | en |
EC Press Release 15 December 2009 | European Commission and European Investment Bank launch European Local Energy Assistance (ELENA) facility | fr en de |
EC Press Release 7 December 2009 | Number of signatories to Covenant of Mayors reaches 1000! | fr en de |
EC Press Release 30 October 2009 | Commissioner Piebalgs receives the first 39 Energy Action Plans under the Covenant of Mayors | fr en de ca |
EC Press Release 7 October 2009 | Mayors from Europe and America join forces to fight against climate change | fr en de |
EC Press Release 6 October 2009 | The Covenant of Mayors develops a new interactive tool to help EU cities reducing CO2. | fr en de |
EC Press Memo | Background information on the Covenant of Mayors | en |
EC Press Release | First Covenant of Mayors Ceremony, 10 February 2009 | en |
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