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Тбилиси, 0160, Грузия
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ул. Чаренца 1, оф. 201
Ереван, 0025, Армения
Офис СоМ East в Беларуси
Просп. Независимости 95/1, оф. 807
Минск, 220043, Беларусь
Офис СоМ East в Молдове
ул. Александри Василе 78, оф. 210
Кишинев, 2012, Молдова
Проекты и инициативы, связанные с Соглашением

Соглашение Мэров не является обособленной инициативой. Напротив, она тесно взаимодействует с широким спектром проектов, программ и инициатив Европейских институции, государственных администраций и сетей.
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ManagEnergy European Commission - DG Energy - Intelligent Energy - Europe (IEE) programme ManagEnergy is an initiative of the Intelligent Energy – Europe (IEE) program. Its objective is to provide technical support to actors in the public sectors and their advisers, in the field of energy efficiency and renewable energies, at the local and regional level. This support includes in particular training, workshops and online events focused on capacity building targeting professionals and managers of energy agencies. It also provides an online tool for partner search, and organizes networking events. A large number of case studies, best practices example or news related to energy are available on the website. Посетить сайт |
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BUILD UP European Commission - DG Energy - Intelligent Energy - Europe (IEE) programme BUILD UP is an initiative launched in 2009 by the Intelligent Energy Program of the European Commission, and aims at promoting better and smarter buildings in terms of energy savings. In order to achieve that goal, BUILD UP focuses on connecting building professionals, local authorities and citizens. In practice, its website provides data, information, guidelines and tools to better implement energy saving measures in the building sector, as well as examples of best practices. It also links the building sector with the European institutions by updating information on the legislative framework (goals, practical implication of legislation and upcoming revisions). The website is interactive, allowing all stakeholders to upload their content. Посетить сайт |
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Market Place of the European Innovation Partnership on Smart Cities and Communities European Commission – DG Energy The European Innovation Partnership on Smart Cities and Communities (EIP-SCC) is an initiative supported by the European Commission bringing together cities, industry, SMEs, banks, research and other smart city actors.The EIP-SCC focusses on the intersection of Energy, ICT and Transport. It intends to: - improve the quality of life of European citizens, - increase the competitiveness of Europe’s industry and innovative SMEs, - make European cities more competitive and better places to live in, - share knowledge to prevent mistakes being repeated, - reach the European energy and climate targets, - support all stakeholders in finding the right partners and solutions. It’s about achieving social, environmental and economic sustainability for European cities. Its Market Place has been designed for those who are active in the challenging area of Smart Cities and willing to know more about ongoing and foreseen activities throughout Europe. With its Action Clusters and its Roll-out Initiatives, it: - facilitates the development and implementation of integrated smart city solutions, - supports networking and partnering, - accumulates knowledge and facilitates exchange of information. It’s all about scale, acceleration, impact, common solutions, integrated approaches and collaboration. Join the Market Place today and make European cities better places to live in! Посетить сайт |
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EU One-Stop-Shop for Cities Initiative under the EU Urban Agenda The European Commission has set up a one-stop-shop portal for cities that provides up-to-date information on EU policies such as climate change adaptation, mobility or circular economy that directly impact cities and urban areas. Urban stakeholders can also get clear information on financing opportunities under the different EU funding instruments and on events related to urban development. This EU initiative will help cities address challenges such as affordable housing, energy efficiency or accessibility, by making the most out of EU funding opportunities. Furthermore, it will foster the exchange of best practices and the development of urban strategies among European cities. Посетить сайт |
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Civitas European Commission Civitas is an initiative co-funded by the European Union, launched in 2002, aiming to tackle pollution caused by transportation in European cities. Its objective is to help cities redefine their transport policies to create cleaner and better transportation systems. So far, Civitas has helped about 60 “demonstration cities” to implement innovative measures to develop greener transports. To achieve its goals, Civitas relies on exchange between cities. The initiative manages several networks and working groups on specific topics, and gathers best practices examples in order to disseminate them widely. Furthermore, Civitas provides funding for transfer of smart measures from one city to another. Посетить сайт |
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Eltis Intelligent Energy Europe Eltis is an online portal launched by the Intelligent Energy Europe program; it is focused on urban mobility, as well as on related issues, such as urban and regional development, health, energy and environment. The goal of this initiative is to facilitate exchange of information, knowledge and experience between different stakeholders. The website thus provides case studies, tools (such as guides or online resources) or other useful information (review of European policies, statistics, training resources…) for professionals in the field of urban mobility. The website is participative, allowing users to submit their own experience. Посетить сайт |
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Sustainable Urban Mobility Campaign European Commission - DG Mobility and Transport of the European Commission The campaign is a three-year initiative launched by DG Mobility and Transport of the European Commission in 2012. It will run until 2015. With the slogan “Do the Right Mix”, it advocates the use of different modes of transport to optimize the cost and environmental impact of each journey. Concretely, the campaign can help local authorities to promote their own actions in favor of smarter uses of transportation systems. The campaign website and the yearly European Mobility Week (see below) showcases initiatives form all over Europe and Mobility Plans Awards are given each year to the best projects. Посетить сайт |
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RFSC – Reference Framework for Sustainable Cities Joint Initiative of the Member States, the European Commission and European organization of local governments The RFSC is an online tool designed to provide practical support to cities involved in integrated sustainable urban development. It aims to facilitate dialogue and exchange between cities. Local authorities can thus upload their experiences on the website and then browse through the catalogue of good practices to identify other examples to learn from. Moreover, the website provides evaluation tools to develop sustainable way: this includes a checklist tool for the development of the project as well as quantitative and qualitative evaluation tools for the strategy. Посетить сайт |
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EU Smart Cities Information System Supported by the European Commission This innovative project aims to bring together like-minded interests and individuals to encourage knowledge sharing and greater collaboration in the long-term goal of creating Smart Cities and an energy efficient Europe. The Smart Cities Information System (SCIS) is a continuation of the CONCERTO series of projects, started back in 2005. Once up and running, the website will be the hub of knowledge for the development of Smart Cities projects and technologies. You will be able to draw on SCIS resources, and participate in exchanges with other stakeholders. Посетить сайт |
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MobiliseYourCity Initiative under the UN Marrakesh Partnership for Global Climate Action - supported by the European Commission MobiliseYourCity is a global climate partnership for integrated urban mobility planning in emerging and developing countries. This international transport initiative supports sustainable urban mobility planning and finance as technical assistance incubator, with the objective to assist partner countries and cities in their development of pipelines of bankable infrastructure projects. Core outputs of MobiliseYourCity are National Urban Mobility Policies and Investment programs (NUMPs), city-level Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs), related capacity development as well as implementation support of replicable pilot projects. Посетить сайт |
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Covenant of Mayors Office - East European Commission - DG DEVCO The East Office of the Covenant of Mayors has been established in response to the growing number of signatories from Eastern Europe, Southern Caucasus and Central Asia, in countries that are not part of the EU. Receiving funding from DG Development and Cooperation of the European Commission, the Eastern Office’s role is to provide specific assistance to these signatories in developing sustainable energy planning or in drafting Sustainable Energy Action Plans. The Eastern Office has branches in Ukraine (Lviv), Georgia (Tbilisi), Armenia (Yerevan) and Kazakhstan (Almaty). Посетить сайт |
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CESMED – Cleaner Energy Saving Mediterranean Cities European Commission - DG DEVCO CESMED is a program financed by the European Neighborhood Policy targeting local authorities in the Southern Mediterranean area. It was launched in 2013 and will run for 36 months. It provides training and technical assistance in developing Sustainable Energy Action Plans or in implementing sustainable policies. Two or three local authorities are selected in each of the 9 target countries (Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine and Tunisia). In addition to direct assistance, the program also works on strengthening the links between national and local authorities, organizes regional networking events and seminar and helps setting up awareness raising activities among the population. It also encourages local authorities in the participating countries to join the Covenant of Mayors. Посетить сайт |
Mayors Adapt European Commission – DG CLIMA Mayors Adapt – the Covenant of Mayors Initiative on Climate Change Adaptation has been set up by the European Commission to engage cities in taking action to adapt to climate change. Cities signing up to the initiative commit to contributing to the overall aim of the EU Adaptation Strategy by developing a comprehensive local adaptation strategy or integrating adaptation to climate change into relevant existing plans. Mayors Adapt aims to increase support for local activities, provide a platform for greater engagement and networking by cities, and raise public awareness about adaptation and the measures needed. Посетить сайт |
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Local Administration Facility (LAF) European Commission - DG Enlargement LAF targets regional and local authorities in the candidate countries (Turkey, FYRoM, Montenegro and Serbia) and the potential candidates (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo). It is a capacity building program, aiming at strengthening the institutional capacities of regional and local authorities so that they can meet the EU requirements for adhesion. Furthermore, it promotes the exchange of experience and best practices in various policy fields among candidates and potential candidate countries’ local authorities, and with Member States’ municipalities. In 2014, one of LAF’s four priorities was directly in line with the Covenant of Mayors objectives: “EU acquis for the benefit of citizens - environment & climate change”. Посетить сайт |
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Green Digital Charter European Commission - DG CONNECT The Green Digital Charter is an initiative launched in 2009 by DG CONNECT and EUROCITIES in the framework of the NiCE project. Cities signing the Charter take the commitment to reduce CO2 emissions and tackle climate change through the innovative use of ICT. The signatories of the Charter have to network with other cities to share knowledge and experiences, to deploy 5 large-scale projects in 5 years in the field of “ICT for energy efficiency” and decrease ICT’s carbon footprint by 30% within 10 years. Посетить сайт |
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Interact European Commission - DG REGIO Interact main objectives is to provide information and technical assistance related to the European Territorial Cooperation (ETC) programs. Through a network of contact point focused on various ETC initiatives, it offers users an expertise in the following areas: program management, communication, financial management, and knowledge management and capitalization. Interact also aims at fostering exchange of information and of best practices in the field of regional cooperation. Посетить сайт |
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URBACT III European Commission - DG REGIO URBACT is a European exchange and learning programme promoting sustainable urban development. It enables European cities to work together, by providing funding to thematic networks and working groups (the URBACT Project). These groups and network then allows cities to develop solution to their urban challenges, including in the field of energy, and to share lessons and good practices. Посетить сайт |
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European Urban Knowledge Network (EUKN) EUKN is a network of urban policy makers, practitioners and researchers aiming to share and disseminate knowledge and experiences on urban issues. Its website is a large source of information on urban policies: it includes an eLibrairy with more than 5000 documents on urban research, policy and practice, topical dossiers on urban priorities, and interviews of experts or stakeholders. EUKN also organizes conferences at the national and international levels to facilitate the contact, exchange and networking between the stakeholders. Посетить сайт |
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Cities for Climate Protection (CCP) ICLEI The European CCP Campaign covers EU and non-EU European countries, the Middle East and Newly Independent States (NIS) – currently with 176 cities, towns, counties and provinces from 19 countries in this region. All cities and towns – and their sub-national levels of government - in this geographic region are welcome to join the CCP Campaign. The ‘CCP Basic’ package is offered for free to local governments in this geographical area - using the CCP 5 - milestone methodology as a basic approach to local climate action. Tools are developed to assist reporting to the Covenant of Mayors by those communities signing up to this initiative. Посетить сайт |
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European Sustainable Cities Platform The Sustainable Cities Platform is a new project born from the Sustainable Cities & Towns Campaign, 1994-2013. The Platform is designed so that various cities and towns in Europe can continue to share their sustainability information and initiatives. Their website includes news, information about events and other initiatives, and best practices example. Посетить сайт |
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Climate Portal of the Alpine Convention Alpine Convention The webpage of the Alpine Convention on Climate Change has the purpose to contribute to the implementation of the Action Plan on Climate Change in the Alps adopted in March 2009 by the Contracting Parties of the Alpine Convention. The site proposes reference texts, relevant publications and bibliographies, as well as a “knowledge centre”, which collects useful addresses of the main actors at local and regional level supporting or carrying concrete measures on climate change. The Good Practice and the News & Events windows allow the actors on the field to submit their experiences and share their initiatives regarding climate action in the Alps. Посетить сайт |
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Climate-ADAPT - European Climate Adaptation Platform European Commission - DG CLIMA Climate-ADAPT aims to help users access and share data and information on consequences of climate change; on EU, national and transnational adaptation strategies; and on actions, adaptation case studies and potential adaptation options and tools that support adaptation planning. The platform features the Urban Adaptation Support Tool that directs new Covenant signatories to information about every adaptation step they have to take. Посетить сайт |
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Eco-innovation Action Plan (EcoAP) European Commission - DG Environment The EcoAP is a large set of initiatives adopted in 2011 by DG ENVI in order to improve the market’s uptake of eco-innovation. Its website can provide Covenant’s signatories with a vast range of useful information on eco-innovation, especially in the field of energy technologies: summary of national plans, link to related initiatives, best practice examples, available funding, events, ect… Посетить сайт |
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Technical Platform for Cooperation on the Environment European Commission - DG Environment / Committee of the Regions This platform was set up jointly by the Committee of the Regions and the DG ENVI, in order to better take into account, at the EU level, the role of local and regional authorities for the protection of the environment. Its objective is to foster a dialogue on local and regional problems and solutions in the application of EU environment law. In practice, this dialogue is carried out through two yearly meetings (usually during the EU Green Week and the Open Days). Посетить сайт |
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Charter for Multilevel Governance in Europe Committee of the Regions The Charter for Multilevel Governance in Europe calls for all levels of government (local, regional, national, European and international) to recognise the added value of multilevel governance and to acknowledge the legitimacy and responsibility of local and regional authorities for the implementation of public policies. The Charter insists on the importance for a democratic Union to be built upon the current use of new forms of action and to rely on the participation of political and economic stakeholders, civil society and citizens in democratic life. Посетить сайт |
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Europe 2020 Monitoring Platform Committee of the Regions Europe 2020 Monitoring Platform is a tool set up by the CoR to facilitate the involvement of local and regional authorities in the debate on the Europe 2020 objectives (in particular the objectives regarding the reduction of CO2 emissions and the rise of renewable sources of energy). All local and regional authorities are invited to join the Platform as members. The Platform’s website is the main tool for exchange of information: it contains information about upcoming events, results of survey and best practice examples. The Platform also organizes policy workshops during which the members can debate, and launches surveys and questionnaires to enhance the debate’s theoretical background. Посетить сайт |
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European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation (EGTC) European Commission - DG REGIO The EGTC is a legal framework allowing several European regions to regroup in order to better manage and implement territorial cooperation programs or projects co-financed by the ERDF or the Cohesion Fund. Regions supporting the Covenants can set up an EGTC to implement energy projects with cross-border, transnational or interregional dimensions. Посетить сайт |
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Sustainable Development Observatory (SDO) European Economic and Social Committee The SDO is dedicated to the promotion of sustainable development, especially in the field of energy. Its activities include lobbying in international fora, fostering debates between different sectors of the society and conducting studies on the relevant issues. The SDO’s website can provide users with publications, studies and other information regarding sustainable energy. Посетить сайт |
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Green Growth Knowledge Platform OECD / United Nations / World Bank The Green Growth Knowledge Platform (GGKP) is a global network of international organizations and experts aiming to improve the state of knowledge in the field of Green Growth. The GGKP’s website provides a wide range of studies and information, some of which are related to energy and/or to local issues, which can be valuable for the Covenant’s signatories. Посетить сайт |
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Energy Sector Management Assistance Programme (ESMAP) World Bank ESMAP’s objective is to increase institutional capacity to build efficient and sustainable energy solutions in low- and middle-income countries. In addition to its capacity-building programs, ESMAP can provide Covenant signatories with studies, statistics and best practices examples via its website. Посетить сайт |
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Sustainable Energy for All United Nations / World Bank Sustainable Energy for All is a global network of public authorities, businesses and civil society organizations. It aims at setting objectives for sustainable energy policies and at fostering actions at the national level. The website provides users with studies and statistics in the field of energy all over the world. Посетить сайт |
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Lima-Paris Action Agenda The Lima-Paris Action Agenda is a joint undertaking of the Peruvian and French COP presidencies, the Office of the Secretary-General of the United Nations and the UNFCCC Secretariat. It aims to strengthen climate action throughout 2015, in Paris in December and well beyond through mobilizing robust global action towards low carbon and resilient societies and providing enhanced support to existing initiatives, such as those launched during the NY SG Climate summit in September 2014. Moreover, it aims at mobilizing new partners and providing a platform for the visibility of their actions, commitments and results in the run up to COP21. This “Non-state Actor Zone for Climate Action” (NAZCA), launched during the Lima Action Day in 2014, is an important tool to upload consistent commitments by cities, subnational regions, but also companies and investors. It gathers actions, commitments and other pieces of information provided by its professional data partners such as the ovenant of Mayors, Carbonn, CID, CDP, IIGCC and others. It enables to monitor the achievements and display the results of the initiatives over longer time-frames. Посетить сайт |
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UN Energy Knowledge Network United Nations The UN Energy Knowledge Network is a UN office in charge of coordinating all activities linked to energy efficiency and sustainability undertaken by the various UN programs. It is a single entry way for any organization or public authority wishing to know more or to benefit from the UN energy policies. The website can be of help for Covenants signatories, as it provides overviews of UN activities in the field of energy as well as statistic and scientific resources on energy sustainability and climate change. Посетить сайт |
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Global SCP Clearinghouse United Nations Environment Programme Global Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP) Clearinghouse is the knowledge and information sharing hub of the 10-Year Framework of Programmes on Sustainable Consumption and Production (10YFP) . The 10YFP is a global framework to the accelerate the transition to SCP in both the developed and developing world. As such, Global SCP Clearinghouse has been developed to allow stakeholders in different domains of SCP to share information, find collaboration opportunities, and showcase their projects to a vast international audience. It allows members to plug into the various work streams of the 10YFP in order to scale up projects, leverage resources and deliver concrete actions on the ground. Посетить сайт |
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RES Legal European Commission RES legal is an online database gathering information on national regulation on renewable energy sources (including national support schemes). Users can search information by countries, by type of regulation, and even compare national policies regarding renewable energy. Посетить сайт |
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European Innovation Partnership on Water (EIP on Water) European Commission - DG Environment / DG Research & Innovation European Innovation Partnerships (EIPs) are initiatives carried jointly by the European Commission and the Member States. The EIP on Water, launched by DG ENV and DG RTD in 2012, aims to develop innovative solutions to tackle major European and global water challenges, and to create market opportunities for these solutions. 5 thematic challenges have been identified: water reuse and recycling (1); water and waste water treatment (2); flood and drought risk management (3); ecosystem services (4); and water-energy nexus (5), as well as 3 cross-cutting issues (water governance; decision support systems and monitoring; financing for innovation). Covenant signatories can join the EIP in order to exchange and to find new solutions within the EIP action groups. Moreover, its website provides users with information about events, good practices and update about the activities undertaken by the EIP. Посетить сайт |
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European Green Capital European Commission - DG Environment The European Green Capital is a yearly award rewarding a city having made remarkable efforts to improve its urban environment and to create healthier and sustainable living areas. Not only the award is an opportunity for cities to promote their achievement and enhance their image, but it also provides a catalogue of best practices. Посетить сайт |
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LIFE+ European Commission - DG Environment LIFE+ is the EU funding instrument for the environment. Its budget for 2014-2020 amounts to 3.456 billion Euros. It is divided in two sub-programs: Environment (with the following priorities: environment and resource efficiency, nature and biodiversity, and governance and information) and Climate action (with the following priorities: adaptation, mitigation, governance and information). Grants will be attributed to projects all over Europe through calls for proposals. Local authorities will especially find funding opportunities in the “traditional projects”, that is to say development of best practice, demonstration of innovative solutions, and governance and information projects. LIFE+ also provides funding for capacity building activities. Посетить сайт |
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Horizon 2020 European Commission Horizon 2020 is the research and innovation program of the European Union. It provides a great number of funding opportunities, as there are close to 500 of calls for proposal planned for 2014-2015. The third pillar of the program, “Societal challenges” includes three thematic areas that are particularly relevant for Covenant signatories looking for funding for their project: “Secure, clean and efficient energy”; “Smart, green and integrated transport”; and “Climate action, environment, resource efficiency and raw materials”. Посетить сайт |
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CONCERTO European Commission CONCERTO was launched by the European Commission as part of the 6th and 7th European Research Framework Programmes (FP6 and FP7). Its objective was to improve energy efficiency of buildings, through actions at city and district level. 58 cities and communities participated in this programme, implementing and deploying innovative technologies, policy measures and strategies. The programme is now over and will be replaced by the Smart Cities and Communities programme, launched in the framework of Horizon 2020. However, the online database of projects and good practices is still available and can provide users will many information and examples. Посетить сайт |
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Energy Performance Contracting Campaign (EPCC) European Commission - DG Energy The Energy Performance Contracting Campaign, launched by DG ENER, ran in 2013. The aim was to help public authorities adapt to the changing financial and regulatory landscape in the field of energy efficiency (in particular with the new Energy Efficiency Directive). The Campaign consisted of targeted capacity building seminars at the national, regional and local level, to improve all stakeholders understanding of the Energy Performance Contracting scheme. While the campaign is now over, training materials and guidance documents are still available on the initiative’s partners’ websites: EPEC, ManagEnergy and the Covenant of Mayors. Посетить сайт |
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European Mobility Week European Commission The Europe Mobility Week is organized each year in September. It promotes the introduction by local authorities of innovative mobility measures or of alternative uses of transportation system, encourages exchanges with citizens on themes related to urban mobility and thus helps to find concrete solutions to issues related to this topic, such as air pollution. The European Mobility Week provides an opportunity for local authorities to promote their own actions and to find new ideas in the experience of other cities. Посетить сайт |
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Open Days Committee of the Regions The Open Days are a yearly event happening in October during which cities and regions showcase their capacity to create growth and jobs, implement European Union cohesion policy, and prove the importance of the local and regional level for good European governance. Events take place in Brussels and at the local level. The Open Days provide Covenant signatories with opportunities to showcase their projects and achievements and to learn from other local authorities. Посетить сайт |
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Green Week European Commission - DG Environment The Green Week is a yearly event taking place in Brussels around June. It represents the biggest annual conference on European environment policy. It is an opportunity for debate and exchanges of experience and best practice. Посетить сайт |
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Green Growth and Sustainable Development Forum OECD The Green Growth and Sustainable Development Forum is a yearly event organized by the OECD, usually around November. It is a meeting point for various experts and stakeholders, including local authorities, to exchange on various aspects of green and sustainable growth. As the theme of the conference changes each year, the relevance of the topic discussed for the Covenant’s signatories may vary. Посетить сайт |
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EU Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW) European Commission - DG Energy EU Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW) is an initiative of the European Commission, first took place in 2006. Today, it is coordinated by the Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME), in close cooperation with the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Energy. EU Sustainable Energy Week showcases activities dedicated to energy efficiency and renewable energy solutions. It is designed to spread best practices, inspire new ideas and build alliances to help meet the EU’s energy and climate goals. The aim of the initiative is to form a bigger picture out of multiple individual efforts to motivate change through a varied programme of events. Throughout the Week, a high number of Energy Days also took place in countries across Europe and beyond. An Energy Day is defined as a not-for-profit event, activity, project, exhibition or display that promotes energy efficiency or renewable energy. Activities such as exhibitions, conferences, online events, performances, guided tours, open door days, workshops, media campaigns and concerts are all eligible. Посетить сайт |
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European Sustainable Development Week The first European Sustainable Development Week (ESDW) will take place from 30 May to 5 June 2015! This is a European-wide initiative to stimulate and make visible activities, projects and events that promote sustainable development. Submit your idea on the ESDW website to take part! Посетить сайт |
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European Environment Agency European Union The EEA is an agency of the European Union. Its task is to provide independent information on the environment to those involved in developing, adopting, implementing and evaluating environmental policies. Users can find a large number of studies, reports or indicators on its website, to support their energy policy. Посетить сайт |
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EASME – Executive agency for SMEs European Union EASME is the agency managing several of the EU programs that can provide funding opportunities to implement policies related to the Covenant’s objectives. Those programs are mainly: Horizon 2020 (in particular the thematic “Energy efficiency” and “Climate action”); LIFE+; Intelligent Energy Europe (IEE); EU Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW). EASME can then provide support to those benefiting from these programs, helping them to implement efficiently their initiatives. Посетить сайт |
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DG ENER (Energy) European Commission The European Commission’s Directorate-General for Energy manages the European energy policy. Users can find useful information on DG ENER website, such as updates on EU legislation, studies and report commissioned by the DG, events or funding opportunities. Посетить сайт |
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DG CLIMA (Climate Action) European Commission The DG Climate-Action leads international negotiations on climate, helps the EU to deal with the consequences of climate change and to meet its targets for 2020, as well as develops and implements the EU Emissions Trading System. Its website provides general information about climate change and European legislation, and about funding opportunities. Посетить сайт |
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DG REGIO (Regional and Urban Policy) European Commission The mission of the European Commission's Directorate General (DG) for Regional and Urban Policy is to strengthen economic, social and territorial cohesion by reducing disparities between the levels of development of regions and countries of the European Union. It manages three important Funds, the ERDF, the Cohesion Fund and the Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance that can help local authorities to implement their energy projects.m Its website provides information about the funding opportunities under the EU regional policy. Посетить сайт |
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DG CONNECT (DG Communication Networks, Content and Technology) European Commission DG CONNECT is in charge of the EU policy in the field of digital technologies. It supports, among other things, the use of ICT technologies to implement energy policies. Посетить сайт |
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EuropeAid European Commission EuropeAid is the DG in charge of the EU development policy. It works along several thematic priorities, including sustainable energy for all. Its actions are mainly focused on developing countries outside of the EU. Посетить сайт |
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DG ENV (Environment) European Commission The objective of the DG Environment is to protect, preserve and improve the environment in the EU. It makes sure the Member States correctly apply the environmental laws, and finances projects that contribute to environmental protection in the EU. Its website provides useful information, such as updates on EU legislation, studies and report commissioned by the DG, events or funding opportunities. Посетить сайт |
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Joint Research Centre (JRC) European Commission The JRC is the Commission’s in-house science service, providing EU policies with independent, evidence-based scientific and technical support. Its fields of study include energy issues. Its website provides a large scientific database as well as information and publications about a wide range of issues. The JRC sometimes organize technical training all over Europe. Посетить сайт |
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EUR LEX European Union EUR LEX is the legislative data base of the EU. Users can find every official document produced by the EU, as well as summaries of existing legislation on specific topics. Посетить сайт |
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Committee of the Regions European Union The Committee of the Regions (CoR) is the political assembly that provides local and regional authorities with a voice at the heart of the European Union. Gathering regionally and locally elected representatives from across the EU, it takes (non-binding) decision to let the deciding institutions (Commission, Parliament and Council), know what is the position of local authorities. One of its area of expertise is “Environment, climate change and energy”. The CoR organises events and consultations, and publishes report and studies that can be of interest for the members of the Covenant. Посетить сайт |
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European Investment Bank (EIB) European Union The EIB is the EU bank, owned by the Member States. Its role is to support the EU economy and the implementation of EU policy through loans and sustainable investment projects. One of its four priorities is specifically dedicated to climate action. Covenant of Mayors stakeholders can contact EIB to explore funding options and advices for their projects. Посетить сайт |
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International Energy Agency (IEA) OECD The International Energy Agency (IEA) is an autonomous agency working within the framework of the OECD. With 29 Member States, the IEA aims at ensuring reliable, affordable and clean energy by conducting surveys and studies to make energy policies more efficient. The IEA’s website provides users with publications, information and statistic in the field of energy and energy policies, as well as news on upcoming events. Посетить сайт |
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UNFCCC With 196 Parties, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) has near universal membership and is the parent treaty of the 1997 Kyoto Protocol. The Kyoto Protocol has been ratified by 192 of the UNFCCC Parties. For the first commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol, 37 States, consisting of highly industrialized countries and countries undergoing the process of transition to a market economy, have legally binding emission limitation and reduction commitments. In Doha in 2012, the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol adopted an amendment to the Kyoto Protocol, which establishes the second commitment period under the Protocol. The ultimate objective of both treaties is to stabilize greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that will prevent dangerous human interference with the climate system. Посетить сайт |
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UN Environment Program (UNEP) United Nations UNEP is the UN program dedicated to the protection of the environment, which includes activities dedicated to energy. In addition to the projects financed all over the world, UNEP conducts studies and surveys and makes the results available on its website. Посетить сайт |
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Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR) CEMR is the largest organisation of local and regional government in Europe; its members are over 50 national associations of towns, municipalities and regions from 37 countries. Together these associations represent some 100,000 local and regional authorities. CEMR participates to the management of the Covenant of Mayors Office. Furthermore, CEMR publishes studies and position papers, and organizes events that can represent opportunities for the Covenant signatories. Посетить сайт |
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Climate Alliance Climate Alliance is Europe's largest city network for climate protection and aims for the preservation of the global climate. It participates to the management of the Covenant of Mayors Office. Additionally, Climate Alliance publishes studies and position papers, organizes events and launches campaign that can represent opportunities for the Covenant signatories. Посетить сайт |
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C40Cities C40 is a group of the world's largest cities committed to tackling climate change. On their website, users will find news and updates on current C40 programmes, information about each of the cities involved, and links to useful documents. Посетить сайт |
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Energy Cities Energy Cities is the European association of local authorities in energy transition. Created in 1990, today it represents more than 1,000 towns and cities in 30 countries. Its main objectives are:
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EUROCITIES EUROCITIES is the network of major European cities. Founded in 1986, the network brings together the local governments of more than 130 large cities in over 30 European countries. EUROCITIES provides a platform for its member cities to share knowledge and ideas, to exchange experiences, to analyse common problems and develop innovative solutions, through a wide range of Forums, Working Groups, Projects, activities and events. Посетить сайт |
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FEDARENE FEDARENE is the European network of regional and local organisations which implement, co-ordinate and facilitate energy and environment policies. FEDARENE members are regions or regional energy agencies from 17 countries. Its website includes general information about energy policies as well as best practices examples. FEDARENE also organises events relevant for the Covenant signatories. Посетить сайт |
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ICLEI ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability is an international association of local governments as well as national and regional local government organizations that have made a commitment to sustainable development. ICLEI provides opportunities for its members to network and share ideas, and to engage in activities for sustainable energy policies. Посетить сайт |
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METREX - Network of European Metropolitan Regions and Areas METREX, the Network of European Metropolitan Regions and Areas, provides a platform for the exchange of knowledge, expertise and experience on metropolitan affairs, and joint action on issues of common interest. The Network has members from some 50 metropolitan regions and areas and partners in many others. Посетить сайт |
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